Thursday, March 17, 2005

Feeling Sentimental...

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. I've been a little busy with some personal things--like quitting my job!!!!! God, talk about a monkey--or should I say mouse-- that's been riding my back for almost 4 years. Spiritually, it was pretty damaging, but the great forces in the universe felt that I had to go through that, or maybe it means I'm the worlds biggest procrastinators. Hmmm...I'll have to ponder that one.

Tuesday was my last day. What did I do yesterday, my first day off, you ask? Well, I watered my parched plants. I did a load of laundry. I napped. I watched really bad tv. I thought about new Lopi Totes (see previous posts), of which I have made another (but it's not finished, I'll post pics when I feel more energized by taking my daily nap.)

Being jobless has many benefits, but at the same time it can make you go insane, I'm thinkin'. I woke up this morning wondering what my purpose was. My Dangshin keeps telling me not to do a damn thing, but it's so hard. I think I'm a workaholic. Well, I'll keep you posted.

On to the true reason for this post. I have so many ugly, unresolved feelings of my last job, but I have to say, I met some pretty wonderful people. I read this card that snarkynose gave me on my last day. It was so sincere. I forget to look at the positive things sometimes (oh, forgive, I'm a taurus.) I have made some life long friends there. I will always cherish those memories.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Feeling Lopi

So the Lopi tote is a hit. Everyone loves it. I'm trying to figure out how to finish it though. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I'm thinking about putting a magnet clasp on it. Can't figure out how to attach it to the bag without the prongs showing through on the outside of the bag. Also, when I carry a lot of chit the bag tends to sag. Gotta think of a way to support the bottom. I read on some blog (damn, wish I could remember it) that someone used a flexible Ikea cutting board. Cut it to size and cover it. Voila! I'll have to try it and will let you all know.

On the cute boyfriend front--My Dangshin has been raving about the Lopi Tote I made (see previous blog entry.) Isn't he cute? He had the boys over last night. Yes, 12+ grown men hanging out playing cards and what not were asked to divert their attention to look upon my glorious Lopi Tote. I beamed.

I am responding to Keela who left me my very first comment. Thank you for having such confidence in my talents. I am still fairly new to all this knitting stuff. Unfortunately, I wouldn't feel comfortable taking money for the Hallowig because it was a free pattern. I sense that there is an unspoken honor system in place within the knitting community that I don't feel comfortable in breaking. Have you considered contacting Megan Reardon, the designer, directly? Maybe she'll take your money ;P But, thanks again for thinking I can whip one of those things up! I felt extremely honored.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

So Cute...

Here is my very first finished project on my very first blog! This is the Fulled Lopi Tote.

Isn't it cute?! I did it one day too.

I used Rio de la Plata knitting yarn in Honey Mustard-A48 and Dye Free Brown-N28 on US#15, 16". The yarn comes in 140-yd skeins, and the pattern calls for 200 yds. I would estimate that I used about 1 skeins worth of yarn on this project. (I'm not a math wizard when it comes to this stuff.) I would also guess that I have enough for another tote! Woohoo! I used more mustard than brown. I'll just make the reverse next time.

I can't wait for My Dangshin to come home so I can show him. He was working on the Oscars tonight. Ah, the glamorous life.
Post Felting
Fulled Lopi Tote

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Beginning

Welcome to my new blog site.

First of all, I'd like to tell you why I'm starting this blog. I've been completely obsessed with them recently. Didn't even know this world existed until I started looking up knitting patterns. So I thought, shit, why not start one myself!

There are many advantages to this form of spilling your guts to complete strangers. One of which is that I'm growing older, and the use of my hands is becoming increasingly difficult--especially in the writing department. It literally looks like chicken scratch. So, needless to say, journal writing has gone by the wayside. Another advantage is that I don't have to fear that others are looking at my private thoughts. I'll be sharing all the ugliness and beauty that lies within this cerebral mass I call my brain.

Not sure who would be interested in viewing my mundane thoughts, but all are encouraged to comment, laugh, sob, point fingers at often.

So, we get to the part of the section on explaining Garlic Breath (GB). GB is in reference to my love of eating and cooking especially with garlic. The more the merrier, I say. I love it so much that my wonderful boyfriend, from this point on will be referred to as My Dangshin (ask your Korean friend what that means), scruntches his nose and jerks his head away in sheer horror whenever I try to kiss him. He still loves me, and he continues to enjoy all different cuisines with me. He is my soulmate. (Click on him and it'll take you to his website. Check out the trailer for our next movie.)

GB is delightful or repulsive depending on how you look at it. Because I'm pretty outspoken, I think I'll probably delight or piss off those who venture onto this site. Besides irking and watching people squeal with laughter, I'd like to also connect with the knitting community out there. There are so many of you. Who knew? Any encouragement, advice, criticism will be cherished.
Tell me your thoughts on or stories of GB.

Disclaimer: Although I pride myself on my command of the English language sometimes I experience the occasional brain fart when it comes to grammar and spelling.